VIII Bomber Command 143

30 November 1943
B-17 Flying Fortresses of the 385th Bomb Group fly in formation. Passed for publication 15 Nov 1943. Printed caption on reverse: 'U.S. Flying Fortresses In Action. Here is a series of pictures taken of Flying Fortresses over enemy territoty[sic] during a recent raid. These four engined "giants" are doing a good job with their successful daylight operations, and every bomb dropped is helping to speed up the end of the war. Photo Shows:- Aerial scenes of Fortresses over enemy territory in formation and in f media-413703.jpg FRE 7692 B-17 Flying Fortresses of the 385th Bomb Group fly in formation. Passed for publication 15 Nov 1943. Printed caption on reverse: 'U.S. Flying Fortresses In Action. Here is a series of pictures taken of Flying Fortresses over enemy territoty[sic] during a recent raid. These four engined "giants" are doing a good job with their successful daylight operations, and every bomb dropped is helping to speed up the end of the war. Photo Shows:- Aerial scenes of Fortresses over enemy territory in formation and in flight. U.S. Pool/SG/HEL. Keystone.' Censor no: 292899. On reverse: Keystone Press Agency and US Army General Section Press & Cenorship Bureau [Stamps].

In the foreground, the "Liberty Belle" (#42-30096) Roger Freeman Collection

Documented sources

Object Number - FRE 7692 - B-17 Flying Fortresses of the 385th Bomb Group fly in formation. Passed for publication 15 Nov 1943. Printed caption on reverse: 'U.S. Flying...


This mission is directed at a single target - the industrial areas of Solingen, Germany. The mission consists of three elements. The first element is a force of 221 B-17s from 1st Bomb Division that included: 91BG (24); 92BG (20); 303BG (20); 305BG (16); 306BG (22); 351BG (34); 379BG (22); 381BG (22); 384BG (20); and 401BG (21). Only 1 aircraft from 303BG is effective on the target because of thick could formations, the rest are recalled. 1 aircraft explodes over Heldon, UK on return. 10KIA. 3 aircraft are damaged. There are no bomber gunner claims from this element.

The second element is a combined force of 128 B-17s from 3rd Bomb Division that included 94BG (32); 95BG (20); 96BG (14); 100BG (18); 385BG (13); 388BG (12); and 390BG (19). 78 aircraft are effective on the target. 3 aircraft Failed to Return (FTR) 7KIA 13POW 6RTD (rescued by ASR). 2 airmen are KIA and 10 are WIA in returning aircraft. 6 aircraft are damaged. The bomber gunners in this element claim 1-0-0 of attacking German fighters.

NOTE: the above formations were supported by 3 PFF equipped B-17s from 482BG. Only 1 was effective the other two were recalled.

The third element is a small force of 29 B-24s from 2nd Bomb Division that included: 44BG (24) and 389BG (5). Heavy cloud cover over the target prevented any bombing. Ther were no losses or claims in this element although 10 airmen were WIA in returning aircraft.

Mission Details

SOLINGEN (Primary)


Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress

Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 221.55
  • People killed in action: 16
  • People wounded in action: 6
  • Prisoners of war: 13
  • People returned to duty: 6
  • Enemy aircrafts destroyed by bomber: 1
  • Aircraft sent: 128
  • Aircraft effective: 78
  • Aircraft missing in action: 2
  • Aircraft damaged beyond repair: 1
  • Aircraft damaged: 6

SOLINGEN (Primary)


Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress

Notes: Includes 3 Pathfinder (PFF) B-17s. 270 B-17s and all the B-24s abort due to cloudiness that prevents assembly. One B-17 hits Welmerskirchen with 8 X 500Gp and 20 X 100 IB. Only 303rd Bomb Group hits the target with one aircraft.

Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 2.80
  • People killed in action: 10
  • Aircraft sent: 224
  • Aircraft effective: 2
  • Aircraft damaged beyond repair: 1
  • Aircraft damaged: 3

SOLINGEN (Primary)


Aircraft Type: B-24 Liberator

Notes: Unable to assemble properly, mission scrubbed.

Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 0.00
  • Aircraft sent: 29


See how this entry relates to other items in the archive by exploring the connections below.


  • Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress
  • Nicknames: Big Stupe V
  • Unit: 384th Bomb Group 545th Bomb Squadron
  • Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress
  • Unit: 547th Bomb Squadron 384th Bomb Group 544th Bomb Squadron
  • Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress
  • Nicknames: Sissy
  • Unit: 447th Bomb Group 384th Bomb Group 546th Bomb Squadron
Ten men in Air Force uniform posed in two rows in front of an airplane.  Four men standing to the rear and six men kneeling in front.
  • Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress
  • Nicknames: Cabin In The Sky
  • Unit: Base Air Depot 1 303rd Bomb Group 384th Bomb Group 544th Bomb Squadron
  • Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress
  • Unit: Base Air Depot 1 303rd Bomb Group 384th Bomb Group 547th Bomb Squadron



Liberty Belle (42-30096) crashed while returning from this mission


Lee Cunningham 14-Jul-2015. Added bomber gunner claims to 3BD element statistics per "The Mighty Eighth War Diary", Roger A. Freeman.


Lee Cunningham 14-Jul-2015. Added Mission Narrative based on "The Mighty Eighth War Diary", Roger A. Freeman.


Lee Cunningham, 8th Air Force missions research database / Stan Bishop's 'Losses of the US 8th and 9th Air Forces', the Combat Chronology of the US Army Air Forces and the work of Roger Freeman including the 'Mighty Eighth War Diary'.

VIII Bomber Command 143: Gallery (1 items)