22 June 1944

Mission Details


Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 38.7 T



Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 35.5 T



Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 0.00

BUC (Primary)

Description: AIRFIELD

Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 107.8 T

DOUAI (Opportunistic)

Description: RAILROAD

Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 12 T

DOUAI (Opportunistic)

Description: RAILROAD

Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 3 T

DREUX (Opportunistic)

Description: AIRFIELD

Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 30 T

ETAMPES (Opportunistic)

Description: AIRFIELD

Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 62.8 T

Description: AIRFIELD

Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 37 T


Description: AIRFIELD

Notes: 2nd Bomb Division was made up of 44th Bomb Group, 93rd Bomb Group,392nd Bomb Group, 446th Bomb Group,448th Bomb Group,458th Bomb Group, 466th Bomb Group,467th Bomb Group, 489th Bomb Group, 491st Bomb Group, 492nd Bomb Group.

Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 135 T


Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 36 T

Description: RAILROAD

Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 21.9 T



Notes: 1st Bomb Division was made up of 91st Bomb Group, 92nd Bomb Group, 303rd Bomb Group, 305th Bomb Group, 306th Bomb Group, 351st Bomb Group, 379th Bomb Group, 381st Bomb Group, 384th Bomb Group, 398th Bomb Group, 401st Bomb Group, 457th Bomb Group.

Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 226.5 T



Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 17.3 T

MELUN (Opportunistic)

Description: BRIDGE

Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 27.5 T

MELUN (Opportunistic)


Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 26.5 T

NUCOURT (Primary)

Description: V-1 MISSILE SITES

Notes: 3rd Bomb Division was made up of B-17s is 94th Bomb Group, 385th Bomb Group, 390th Bomb Group, 447th Bomb Group, 452nd Bomb Group, 486th Bomb Group, 487th Bomb Group

Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 207.5 T

PARIS (Primary)

Description: OIL DEPOT

Notes: 3rd Bomb Division was made up of B-24s is 493rd Bomb Group, 486th Bomb Group, 487th Bomb Group, 489th Bomb Group, 490th Bomb Group

Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 240 T


Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 10.8 T

ROUEN (Opportunistic)


Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 24.50

ROUEN (Primary)

Description: OIL DEPOT

Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress

Notes: 457th BG - ISSION NO. 74 - ROUEN, FRANCE 22 JUNE, 1944 The striking power of the Eighth Air Force was directed back to tactical targets; 800 bombers were dispatched against power installations, communications lines, airfields and oil depots. The 45 7th attacked oil dumps in France. The target was on the south bank of the Seine River across from the City of Rouen. It had not been attacked before. The 457th supplied two 12 ship boxes for the mission. Lt. Louis 0. Mueller was Air Commander of the lead B box, with Lt. Kenneth R. Johnston as pilot. Major Eugene Peresich was Commander of the low B box, with Lt. Harry Stafford as pilot. The route to the target was again over the invasion coast. The entire Normandy beachhead was visible. Bombing results were good, in spite of the fact that the lead bombardier, Lt. Harry G. Vaal, was hit in the eye by splintered glass from the plexiglass nose due to a flak hit on the bomb mn. Flak was heavy and accurate with fifteen craft damaged. One aircraft was piloted by Lt. Franklin H. Morrell. He brought it back to England, and prepared for a crash landing, without brakes. When he touched down, the plane veered off to the right, hitting the wing of another aircraft, and then crashed head-on into a parked aircraft. Both caught fire immediately and were completely consumed by flames, shooting two and three hundred feet into the air. Fifty caliber shells were exploding; projectiles and pieces of metal flew through the air. Flares were going off continually and the heat was terrific. Miraculously the entire crew escaped. Lt. Eugene F. Tangherlini, an assistant engineering officer with the 749th, and Sgt. Herbert B. Mayers, a flight chief, raced to the scene. The wing of the first ship to be hit, before the head- on collision, was actually overlapped the fuselage of one of the burning ships. Lt. Tangherlini knew that the ship had to be moved without delay. He further realized that the gas tanks were partially filled, and that if a fire did develop, the ship would explode. Despite the difficulties encountered and the danger involved, Lt. Tangherlini and Sgt. Mayers succeeded in moving the ship a safe distance from the fire. After this was accomplished, the two men returned to the scene of the fire and repeated the performance by moving another Fortress away from the flames. It was found later that the wing on the first ship to be taxied away had actually begun to melt. Because of the courage and devotion to duty displayed by Lt. Tangherlini and Sgt. Mayers, both were decorated with the Bronze Star medal for the heroism displayed. Sgt. James H. Denny of the 468th Sub Depot also witnessed the crash. He grabbed a half track and raced to the scene. Upon arriving be opened the door of the crashed bomber to permit the crew to escape. He then tied the half track to the tail of the craft and pulled it away from the other craft. For the heroism he displayed, he was awarded the Soldier's medal. (Compilers Note: Jim Denny relates that Sgt. James W Vaughn, also with the 468th Sub Depot, was involved with the rescue and was also awarded the Soldier's medal.)

Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 68.7 T


Description: BRIDGE

Notes: 9 of 10 B-24s use glide bombs to attack the Samur Bridge. Escort is provided by 41 of 43 P-51s. No losses and no casualties

Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 5 T

ST CYR (Primary)

Description: AIRFIELD

Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 126 T


Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 36.6 T

Description: BRIDGE

Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 5.5 T


See how this entry relates to other items in the archive by exploring the connections below.


  • Military/Civilian/Mascot: Military
  • Nationality: American
  • Unit: 379th Bomb Group 525th Bomb Squadron
  • Service Numbers: 33670081
  • Highest Rank: Staff Sergeant
  • Role/Job: Waist Gunner
  • Military/Civilian/Mascot: Military
  • Nationality: American
  • Unit: 401st Bomb Group 613th Bomb Squadron
  • Service Numbers: O-710363
  • Highest Rank: Lieutenant Colonel
  • Role/Job: Navigator


  • Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress
  • Nicknames: Knock-Out Baby!
  • Unit: 95th Bomb Group 412th Bomb Squadron
  • Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress
  • Nicknames: Shoo Shoo Baby
  • Unit: 95th Bomb Group 334th Bomb Squadron
  • Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress
  • Nicknames: Boss Lady
  • Unit: 384th Bomb Group 545th Bomb Squadron
  • Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress
  • Nicknames: Rebel
  • Unit: 384th Bomb Group 544th Bomb Squadron
  • Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress
  • Nicknames: Kathleen Lady of Victory
  • Unit: 384th Bomb Group 545th Bomb Squadron



Mission details added courtesy of Diane Elizabeth Reese from 457th Bomb Group Mission Documents. http://www.457thbombgroup.org/


Associated Bomb Groups of 1st Bomb Division. Correction to location name.


Lee Cunningham, 8th Air Force missions research database / Stan Bishop's 'Losses of the US 8th and 9th Air Forces', the Combat Chronology of the US Army Air Forces and the work of Roger Freeman including the 'Mighty Eighth War Diary'.