4 May 1944

Mission Details

BERGEN/ALKMAAR (Opportunistic)

Description: AIRFIELD

Notes: Target hit as one of opportunity BY 40 V-17s

Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 116 T HE

BERLIN (Primary)


Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress

Notes: Mission is recalled due to cloud cover. 1st Bomb Division was made up of 303rd Bomb Group, 305th Bomb Group, 306th Bomb Group, 351st Bomb Group, 379th Bomb Group, 384th Bomb Group, 401st Bomb Group, 457th Bomb Group. 457th BG - MISSION NO. 39 - BERLIN, GERMANY 4 MAY, 1944 The target was the Friednchstrasse railroad station, located in the center of Berlin. It was the nerve center of the most important rail transportation network in Germany. Eighteen aircraft were committed to the mission. Major Leroy Watson was Air Commander, and Lt. Mark R. Belcher was pilot. Due to adverse weather conditions, the mission was recalled after the aircraft were over the Continent. However, seventeen of the aircraft dropped bombs on an airdrome near Bergen, Holland, a target of opportunity. The bomb run was made difficult by contrails and the prop wash of other wings. Bombing results were fair. Flak was moderate but accurate along the route, and several bombers suffered damage.

Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 0.00

BERLIN (Primary) (RC)


Notes: Mission is recalled due to cloud cover. 2nd Bomb Division was made up of 392nd Bomb Group, 448th Bomb Group, 458th Bomb Group, 466th Bomb Group, 467th Bomb Group.

Mission Statistics

  • Tonnage Dropped: 0.00


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  • Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress
  • Nicknames: Sweetheart
  • Unit: 384th Bomb Group 547th Bomb Squadron
The wreck of a B-17 Flying Fortress (UX-L, serial number 42-97479) nicknamed "Belle of Liberty" that has crash landed at Podington, 30 December 1944 Image via William E "Doc" Furniss, 92nd Bomb Group. Written on slide casing: '297479 UX-L crash Podington.'
  • Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress
  • Nicknames: Belle of Liberty
  • Unit: 92nd Bomb Group 327th Bomb Squadron
A B-17 Flying Fortress (serial number 42-97487) nicknamed "Hangover Haven" of the 401st Bomb Group after crash landing at Deenethorpe, 3 October 1944 Official caption on image: "GAD-1079 - (48-401)-(4-10-44) 7487 Crash." Handwritten caption on reverse: '3/10/44 A, 296 Extra. V. Maslen, 7487, "Hangover Haven".'
  • Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress
  • Nicknames: Hangover Haven
  • Unit: 401st Bomb Group 612th Bomb Squadron
  • Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress
  • Unit: 351st Bomb Group 401st Bomb Group 91st Bomb Group 615th Bomb Squadron
  • Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress
  • Unit: 401st Bomb Group 612th Bomb Squadron

Related videos and documents

  • Media Type: Document
  • Object Number: Document 53096
  • Description: 401st Bomb Group, Mission No 63, 4 May 1944, Alkmar



Mission details added courtesy of Diane Elizabeth Reese from 457th Bomb Group Mission Documents. http://www.457thbombgroup.org/


Lee Cunningham, 8th Air Force missions research database / Stan Bishop's 'Losses of the US 8th and 9th Air Forces', the Combat Chronology of the US Army Air Forces and the work of Roger Freeman including the 'Mighty Eighth War Diary'.