

First name



Danecki Wiklin


Edward W. Danecki Sr. final rank was SSGT in United States Army Air Corps/United States Air Force. He was a tail gunner, a member of crew #7178, B-24 named "Do Bunny". This crew, #7178, was part of the 713th Bomb Squadron, 448th Bomb Group (Heavy), 20th Bomb Wing (later re-classified as part of the 2nd Air Division), Eighth Air Force. The "Do Bunny" was shot down on their 23rd mission, on 25 March 1945, crash landing in Soltau, Germany where the crew including Edward W. Danecki Sr. became P.O.W.'s As tail gunner, Edward Sr. sustained shrapnel injuries to his face and was awarded the Purple Heart.

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Person Edward W Danecki
Person Edward W Danecki
Person Edward W Danecki

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