

First name

Richard Lewis



Profile picture for user Dieterle


Born 30 November 1945 in Orlando, Florida to Lt. Col. Jack Woodrow Dieterle and Margaret Louise (Lewis) Dieterle. Service: Buck Sergeant in A Company, First Battalion, Eighth Cavalry Regiment, First Air Cavalry Division in Bon Song and Quang Tri Provinces, Vietnam, May 1967 - May 1968. Bronze Star with "V" Device, Bronze Star for Meritorious Service, Air Medal (54 helicopter assaults). 4.00 gpa at Sonoma State University and BA with Distinction in philosophy; MA in philosophy at the University of Minnesota.

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5 years 5 months

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Person Robert W Horton
Person Russell D Hayes
Person Robert W Horton
Person Russell D Hayes
Person Robert W Horton

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