UPL 32794


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Marvin Otto, 100th Service Group. A B-17 that returned from a mission to Berlin had a large “flak” hole in the left side of the fuselage. The radio operator’s compartment had been totally destroyed and the radio operator blown out of the aircraft. One bomb bay door had been blown away. The aircraft landed with one flat tire and the ball turret guns pointing downward dragging on the runway. One bomb had not released over the target and was jammed in the wreckage of the bomb bay area. While fuel leaked from the aircraft and sparks emitted from the electrical system, Marvin disarmed the bomb and removed it from the aircraft. For his actions he was awarded the Soldier’s Medal.


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  • Military/Civilian/Mascot: Military
  • Nationality: American
  • Unit: 100th Bomb Group 100th Service Group
  • Role/Job: Building and Maintenance



ChangesCreated entry with collection, caption, unit associations, person associations and place associations

"Iowans of the Mighty Eighth", Chapter 26 "Biographies", by Charles D Taylor.