
Nine men in Air Force uniform posed in front of a Air Force bomber plane.  Four men standing in rear and five men kneeling in front UPL 65551 UPL 65551 Bowman Crew, 859th BS, 492nd BG. Back row, left to right: Vernon Rood, Bombardier; Jock, Pilotage Navigator; William Kriegel, Navigator; James Bowman, Pilot. Front row, left to right: James Green, Engineer; Everett Newton, Waist Gunner; Howard Garrett, Radio Operator; August Bonkowski, Ball Turret Gunner; William Ryan, Waist Gunner. The Bowman Crew was one of the original crews for the 492nd BG that trained in Alamogordo, New Mexico. They were assigned to the 859th BS, designated as Crew 914. 1st Lt James Bowman signed out for a B-24J, 44-40139. In April 1944, they flew their assigned aircraft to North Pickenham, England, via the southern route. Perhaps the crew came closest to death during a training exercise on the evening of 30 Jun 44 as they were practicing night flying formations. Bowman's leader signaled for him to peel off and land. However, he was directed to the wrong base which had a short runway. No one was hurt when the plane ran off the end of the landing strip, however the plane was damaged beyond repair.

Object Number - UPL 65551 - Bowman Crew, 859th BS, 492nd BG. Back row, left to right: Vernon Rood, Bombardier; Jock, Pilotage Navigator; William Kriegel, Navigator; James...

Lost with Bowman Crew 914 on 30 May 44

Returning from a night training exercise, crew called the tower to turn on the landing lights. At that exact same moment a fighter base at Snetterton turned their lights on. Bowman mistook it as North Pickenham and landed there. But soon ran out of runway, since fighter base runways are too short to accommodate a B-24. No one was injured, but the aircraft was salvaged.



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44-40139: Gallery (1 items)