
James A Shaw

First name





Major Montgomery H. Throop, Jr. is my uncle on my mother's side (Throop). Major Throop was a charter member of the 31st Fighter (Pursuit) Group, arriving in England in June 1942. The 31st was the first FG to commence operations with the VIII Fighter Command (initially operating under the auspices of the RAF) and was engaged in the first allied raid on continental Europe at Dieppe, France, on August 19, 1942. From the 31st Throop was transferred to the much heralded 4th FG and subsequently to the 357th FG. He is recorded as having three solo victories (kills) with the 357th FG. I have written a biography profiling Throop and another uncle (Major Howard H. Brigham of the "Air Apaches") titled "Unsung Heroes," available through Amazon (ISBN: 9781700277930) and would love to hear from anyone with personal records or knowledge of Major Throop ([email protected]).

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3 years 6 months

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