FRE 2350


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Colonel Edward W. Anderson and Lieutenant-General Devers examine thew guns on a P-47 Thunderbolt of the 4th Fighter Group at Debden, June 1943. Passed as censored 17 Jun 1943. Printed caption on reverse: 'Mr Winant And Gen. Devers Visit U.S. Airfields In Britain. Mr. J.G. Winant, the American Ambassador in Britain and Lt. Gen. Devers, Commanding General of U.S. Forces in the ETO visited recently U.S. airfields in Britain. They saw the briefing of crews, Flying Fortresses and Thunderbolts in flight and they inspected the crews. Keystone Photo Shows: 45A. L to R: Col. Edward W. Anderson, Commanding Officer of the U.S. Fighter Station and Gen. Devers standing on the wing of a Thunderbolt. The cannons [ammended to read 'guns'] of the fighter plane can be seen in the picture. U.S. Pool/F. Keystone. SG.' On reverse: Keystone Press, US Army Press Censor ETO and US Army General Section Press & Censorship Bureau [Stamps].


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IWM, Roger Freeman Collection