UPL 34487


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1st Lt. Henry V. "Hank" Markow as a prisoner after he crash landed his badly damaged B-17 in Germany on 22 February 1944 during a mission to Aschersleben, Germany. He was later awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for this mission. The citation follows: Distinguished Flying Cross (General Order 502, Headquarters 1st Air Division, 25 July 1945): HENRY V. MARKOW, O-799421, First Lieutenant, Air Corps, United States Army. For extraordinary achievement while serving as a Pilot of a B-17 airplane on a bombing mission over enemy territory on 22 February 1944. Viciously attacked by hostile fighters on this date, the aircraft which Lieutenant Markow was flying sustained severe damage and caught fire. Unable to maintain altitude, this officer ordered the crew to bail out. Preparing to parachute to safety, Lieutenant Markow discovered the Bombardier’s parachute had been blown from the airplane. In the face of the hazards involved, he unhesitatingly resumed his position and piloted the burning aircraft to a safe landing. The courage, coolness and skill displayed by Lieutenant Markow on this occasion reflect the highest credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of the United States. Entered military service from New York.


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  • Military/Civilian/Mascot: Military
  • Nationality: American
  • Unit: 384th Bomb Group 546th Bomb Squadron
  • Service Numbers: O-799421
  • Highest Rank: Lieutenant Colonel
  • Role/Job: Pilot


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Markow Collection