William Sherman Smith


He flew on Arthur Crapsey crew. Reported to group on 19 Nov 1943.

He was wounded on mission to Bremen on 20 Nov 1943, when pieces of a 20 mm shell slammed against the back of his flak suit, tearing a large hole in it.



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Units served with

Official insignia of the 306th Bomb Group, approved 6 January 1943, and updated 2 October 1951.
  • Unit Hierarchy: Group
  • Air Force: Eighth Air Force
  • Type Category: Bombardment


A B-17 Flying Fortress of the 306th Bomb Group, fitted with a chin turret. Marked "Not To Be Published" 25 Nov 1943. Printed caption on reverse: 'Flying Fortress's New Chin Turret. Associated Press Photo Shows:- The new chin turret - so-called because it is fitted under the "chin" of the aircraft - is the latest addition to the armour of the Flying Fortress. These pictures show different views of the turret and its two .50 calibre machine-guns. GLE 262629/30/1/2/3. 25-11-43-Y.' On reverse: Ministry of Inf
  • Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress
  • Nicknames: Tar Heel Peggy
  • Unit: 306th Bomb Group 368th Bomb Squadron 423rd Bomb Squadron


Event Location Date Description


1 April 2001

Buried/ Commemorated

Mount Vernon, Ohio



306th BG Association Directory, 1 September 1999 Edition, First Over Germany pg. 183-4, / Drawn from the records of the National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force, Savannah, Georgia / http://www.306bg.org/crewphotos/Crew%20Pictures%20Adam-Rector/Crew%20Pi…