Harold O Schrecongost


Completed 13 missions from 17 June 1944 to 25 September 1944. Flew on Joseph Couris crew.

On 14th mission flying as a replacement BTG to Magdeburg, GR, 28 September 1944; plane was extensively hit with flak but dropped bombs on target. Through the skill of the pilots they managed to get south-westerly through Germany near Cologne, where they were hit by flak but managed to make it over the border to Luxembourg where they were ordered to bail out. His chute was badly shot full of holes and it did not open properly. He mangaged to get pilot chute open and hit the ground. He was taken care of by the Belgian underground and examined by a civilian doctor. He had a broken spine, pelvis and a severe concussion. He returned to Thurleigh on 25 October 1944. He was permanently grounded on 06 Nov 1944 and shipped back to the states on 9 January 1945.

AM Oak Leaf Cluster, PH


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Units served with

Official insignia of the 306th Bomb Group, approved 6 January 1943, and updated 2 October 1951.
  • Unit Hierarchy: Group
  • Air Force: Eighth Air Force
  • Type Category: Bombardment


  • Aircraft Type: B-17 Flying Fortress
  • Nicknames: Donald Duck with bombs
  • Unit: 306th Bomb Group 423rd Bomb Squadron




306th BG Association Directory, 1 September 1999 Edition, Combat Crews pg. 130 / Drawn from the records of the National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force, Savannah, Georgia