UPL 32806
IMAGEL to R: SSGT Edward G. Mello (FE), SSGT Harry L. Lewis (NG/DRN), SSGT William R. Taylor (TG), SSGT Andrew Jesinkowsi (WG)
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- Unit Hierarchy: Group
- Air Force: Eighth Air Force
- Type Category: Bombardment
- Unit Hierarchy: Squadron
- Air Force: Eighth Air Force
- Type Category: Bombardment
- Military/Civilian/Mascot: Military
- Nationality: American
- Unit: 466th Bomb Group 787th Bomb Squadron
- Service Numbers: 32904579
- Highest Rank: Staff Sergeant (3rd Grade)
- Role/Job: Waist Gunner
- Military/Civilian/Mascot: Military
- Nationality: American
- Unit: 466th Bomb Group 787th Bomb Squadron
- Service Numbers: 11108137
- Highest Rank: Technician Third Grade
- Role/Job: Nose Gunner / Navigator
- Military/Civilian/Mascot: Military
- Nationality: American
- Unit: 466th Bomb Group 787th Bomb Squadron
- Service Numbers: 31298209
- Highest Rank: Staff Sergeant (3rd Grade)
- Role/Job: Flight Engineer
- Military/Civilian/Mascot: Military
- Nationality: American
- Unit: 466th Bomb Group 787th Bomb Squadron
- Service Numbers: 15364098
- Highest Rank: Staff Sergeant (3rd Grade)
- Role/Job: Tail Gunner