44-40137 WhatsNextDoc?

21 May 44: Accident while the Group was getting ready to take off for a mission. Heber Crew 705 was taxiing in IRISHMAN'S SHANTY, 44-40166, when brakes failed. They ran into WHATSNEXTDOC? which was parked at the time. WHATSNEXTDOC? never flew again. The plane was grounded until it was finally declared to be beyond repair.

Salvaged on 10 Jul 44

This aircraft was replaced by 44-40167 SIERRA BLANCA obtained from the 858th on

19 Jun 44.


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Units served with

A Swedish Soldier guards a B-24 Liberator (serial number 44-40159) nicknamed "Boulder Buff" of the 492nd Bomb Group that has landed in Sweden.
  • Unit Hierarchy: Group
  • Air Force: Eighth Air Force
  • Type Category: Bombardment


