42-78465 Patches

A B-24 Liberator (serial number 42-78465) nicknamed "Patches" of the 451st Bomb Group, 15th Air Force in flight. Handwritten caption on reverse: 'B-24G.' media-418269.jpg FRE 8794 A B-24 Liberator (serial number 42-78465) nicknamed "Patches" of the 451st Bomb Group, 15th Air Force in flight. Handwritten caption on reverse: 'B-24G.' Roger Freeman Collection

IWM, Roger Freeman Collection

Object Number - FRE 8794 - A B-24 Liberator (serial number 42-78465) nicknamed "Patches" of the 451st Bomb Group, 15th Air Force in flight. Handwritten caption on reverse:...


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Units served with

A B-24 Liberator (serial number 44-450443) of the 451st Bomb Group, 15th Air Force releases bombs during a mission.
  • Unit Hierarchy: Group
  • Air Force: Fifteenth Air Force
  • Type Category: Bombardment


42-78465: Gallery (2 items)