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Dimitrios Vassilopoulos was born in Athens in 1976. He studied and practiced the profession of Mechanical Engineer. From an early age he showed interest in aviation and later in aviation history. Due to his studies, he served at the 356th Tactical Transport Squadron, of the 112th Combat Wing, as a reserve crew chief, responsible for the C-130B/H Hercules Transports of the Hellenic Air Force in 2001-2002. At the same time, he wrote a small number of articles in aviation history magazines, due to his limited time due to his work. This research is more than 17 years old and his partnership with Kyriakos Paloulian and later with George Chalkiadopoulos was of crucial importance for the publication of their study concerning Greeks in Foreign Cockpits. Apart from researching and writing, Dimitrius Vassilopoulos is also responsible for the editing of the books and the website.

Member for

9 years 4 months

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Person James Charles Stopulos
Person James Charles Stopulos
Person Charles Arthur Badavas
Person Theodore G Ferentinos
Person Theodore G Ferentinos

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