
Jason Garver

First name





I flew actively as a private pilot for 20 years both in single engine aircraft and gliders. I had WWII vets as instructors for both. I volunteered for 20 years in different ways at an air museum. Going through aircraft mechanics school furthered my interest in WWII and the technology of the time. The 2 years of no flying following 9/11 shifted my interests even more towards history. My father's hero growing up was his uncle that was a B-26 pilot in Europe after D-Day. He saved almost everything so my focus has been B-26's and 9th Air Force. My history interests also include Coast Artillery into early air defense. I also enjoy old telephones and genealogy. My only "warbird" rides have been in Pratt-Reed LNE-1.

Member for

3 years 5 months

Content activity

Date Content Type Title Changes Edit
Aircraft 38-223
Aircraft 38-223
Aircraft 39-5
Aircraft 39-5

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