Louis A Rogers

media-45914.jpeg UPL 45914 Captain Louis A. Rogers at a retirement ceremony 10 Nov 2011.

Personal photograph

Object Number - UPL 45914 - Captain Louis A. Rogers at a retirement ceremony 10 Nov 2011.

LA Rogers began his service in Britain with the 711th Bomb Squadron/447th Bomb Group and then transferred to the 653rd Bomb Squadron (L) (Weather Reconnaissance)/25th Bomb Group (Reconnaissance).

Awards: DFC, AM, WWII Victory, EAME.


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Units served with



Event Location Date Description



9 April 1944 No.44 (293) 04/09/44 WARNEMUNDE (198) Heinkel factory


Diest Schaffen

10 April 1944 No.45 (295) 04/10/44 DIEST SCHAFFEN Briefing was at 0430 hours. The target was an aircraft repair depot near Charleroi, 25 miles south of Brussels, Belgium. Twenty-seven 447thBG aircraft would be a part of this mission. Each plane was loaded with ten 500-pound General Purpose bombs. Take off started at 0700 hours and the bombing altitude of 15,000 feet was attained as the Group reached the Belgium Coast. Clouds thickened as the Group flew on and soon the decision was made to find the secondary target, an airfield near Diest/Schaffen. The results of the bombing were rated "Good" and landing started at 1150 hours. Ship 871 B-17G-15-DL 42-37871 "UNINVITED" WW 1/45, Kingman 11/8/45



11 April 1944 No.46 (298) 04/11/44 ARNIMSWALDE Briefing was at 0400 hours and the target was an aircraft plant in Northern Poland. Each plane was loaded with 50 tons of 500 pounds of GP bombs and 35 tons of 100-pound incendiary bombs. Take off started at 0640 hours. There was high overcast and broken clouds below the Group as they passed north of the German island of Helgoland. The target was cloud covered so an aircraft plant at Arnimswalde near Stettin, Poland was bombed. The results of the bombing were rated as "Good". Lt. Pauling was hit by flak and failed to return. Landing started at 1730 hours, an 11-hour mission. Ship 871



13 April 1944 No.47 (301) 04/13/44 AUGSBURG Briefing was at 0800 hours and the target was the Messerschmitt aircraft plant Augsburg in southern Germany. The planes were loaded with 170 GP and 226 incendiary bombs. The bombing altitude of 22,000 feet was reached as the Group crossed the French coast. About 100 miles from the coast the Group came under heavy, accurate flak fire which caused a number of planes to abort and head home including Lt. William H. Johnson of the 711th Squadron. Captain Lawrence F. McGuire and Captain Oliver F. Keller, 711th Squadron, 2nd Lts. H.L. Kreuzer, 709th Squadron, and Lt Joseph R. Thornbury, 710th Squadron flew their damaged planes to Switzerland where they were interned. The trip home was uneventful with landing starting at 1830 hours. Ship 148 B-17G-45-BO 42-97148 lost 6/18/44 Hanover 10 POW, MACR 5903



20 April 1944 No.50 (309) 04/20/44 NOBALL Briefing was at 1430 hours and the targets were Noball targets in the Cherbourg area. The planes were loaded with 107 tons of 500-pound high explosives with takeoff starting at 1700 hours. The bombing altitude of 20,000 feet was reached as the Group crossed the French coast. Bombing accuracy was rated as "Fair" with landing starting at 2030 hours. Ship 147 B-17G-45-BO 42-97147 A/K salvaged 7/7/44 crash land at Rattlesden B& P, FFS; per Sh, last flew 6/6/44



22 April 1944 No.51 (311) 04/22/44 HAMM Briefing was at 1330 hours and the target was the marshalling yards at Hamm, Germany. The planes were loaded with 53 tons of GP and 27 tons of incendiary bombs with takeoff starting at 1540 hours. Flak was heavy and Lt. T.W. Gilleran, 708th Squadron, was lost in the target area. Bombing results were rated as "Good" with landing starting at 2150 hours. Ship 147



24 April 1944 No.52 (315) 04/24/44 FRIEDRICHSHAFEN Briefing was at 0630 hours and the target was an aircraft plant at Friedrichshafen on the shore of Lake Constance which separated Germany from Switzerland. The bombers carried 48 tons of GP and 19 tons of incendiary bombs. Take off stated at 0850 hours and the trip across France and southern Germany was uneventful. Flak was heavy but caused no serious damage and bombing results were rated as "Good". Landing started at 1747 hours. Ship 147



26 April 1944 No.53 (319A) 04/26/44 BRUNSWICK Briefing was at 0230 hours and the target was an aircraft plant at Brunswick, Germany. The aircraft were loaded with a total of 64 tons of GP and incendiary bombs. Take off started at 0500 hours and the bombing altitude of 21,000 feet was reached as the Group crossed the Dutch coast. The target was cloud covered so another aircraft industry was bombed on the edge of Brunswick using PFF equipment. Flak was reasonably heavy but did little damage. Landing started at 1230 hours with no losses. Ship 147



27 April 1944 No.54 (322) 04/27/44 NOBALL NO. 78 Briefing was at 0530 hours and the target was Noball No. 78 just inside the French coast. The bombers were loaded with 52 tons of high explosives and take off started at 0750 hours. The bombing altitude of 19,500 feet was attained as the Group reached the French coast. Lt. Hofsess' crew, 709th Squadron, was lost but they were seen bailing out safely. Bombing results were rated as "Fair" with landing starting at 1200 hours. Ship 147


MACR 4253

29 April 1944 2Lt Louis A. Rogers was woken with the rest of his crew on this fateful morning, but told to go back to sleep since they were taking a new pilot, Robert C. Stevenson on an observation flight. LA's crew failed to return from this raid to Berlin. No.56 (327) 04/29/44 BERLIN Briefing was at 0430 hours and the target was Berlin, Germany. The planes were loaded with 52 tons of incendiary and GP bombs. The bombing altitude of 22,000 feet was reached as the Group crossed into enemy territory. On the way to the target the 447th encountered heavy enemy aircraft and lost several aircraft to the Luftwaffe. As the remaining aircraft reached the target they encountered heavy flak and lost more aircraft. The losses included Lt. W.A. Davidson 711th, Lt. E.D. Johnson 711th, Lt. M. Paris 710th, A.S. Peper 711th, Lt. H.T. Hughes 708th, Lt. D. Donahue 708th, Lt. C.D. Dowler 709th, Lt. C. Marcy 710th, Lt. E.D. Farrell 708th, Lt. C.J. Blom 708th. The last two were on their first mission. Lt. Flemming's crew ditched in the North Sea and were rescued. The remaining aircraft started landing at 1445 hours. Ship 501 B-17G-15-VE 42-97501 GUM CHUM!, MACR 4253 EA hit cockpit and knocked out #3 Crashed Siestedt, Landkreis Borde, Sachsen-Anhalt, 6 miles NE of Helmstedt Switched to Kinsinger's crew.



1 May 1944 No.58 (332) 05/01/44 NOBALL - RECALL Briefing was at 0130 hours and the target was a Noball target (V-1) in France. Take off started at 0419 hours but in the process of assembly the planes built up a vapor trail cloud. Because of this, the Group had to increase their altitude to get into clear air. After covering only 16 miles, the contrails were so thick that the mission was aborted. Landing started at 1030 hours. Ship 060 B-17G-35-DL 42-107060 G/V; non-operational flight crash landing, salvaged 12/03/44 (photo p 3/8)



7 May 1944 No.59 (342A) 05/07/44 BERLIN Briefing was at 0330 hours and the target was Berlin, Germany. This was another mission where the main target was the Luftwaffe. The planes were loaded with 53 tons of 100-pound incendiary bombs which are oil filled units. Take off was at 0600 hours. As the Group crossed the continent, they reached their bombing altitude of 23,750 feet. At the target in Berlin the flak was very heavy and accurate. Fortunately, there were no losses and landing started at 1445 hours. Ship 060



11 May 1944 No.62 (351) 05/11/44 MALINES Briefing was at 1230 hours and the target were railroad yards in eastern Belgium, Luxembourg and northeastern France. The planes were loaded with 1000-pound GP bombs and take off started at 1500 hours. The formation was at bombing altitude of 18,700 feet as they crossed the Belgium coast. Due to weather, the Group bombed a railroad junction at Malines, Belgium as a target of opportunity. Flak was light and the bombing results were rated as "Fair". Landing started at 2000 hours.



12 May 1944 No.63 (353) 05/12/44 ZWICKAU Briefing was at 0600 hours and the target was an aircraft repair depot at Zwickau, about 40 miles south of Liepzig. The aircraft were loaded with 500-pound GP bombs and the first plane started its take off at 0820 hours. There were 700 enemy fighters in interceptor range following assembly. The armada headed for Frankfurt which drew the Luftwaffe in that direction. As the Third Division crossed the Rhine, there were only one of our fighter groups in escort. 130 enemy fighters attacked overwhelming out escort scoring heavily on the bombers. Another of our fighter escort joined the fray and were able to get control. Remnants of the Luftwaffe re-organized and struck the Third again, but our fighters were able to handle them. The Third lost 30 B-17's. The 447th dropped their bombs with "Good" results. The following crews were lost: Lt. E.D. Wright, 708th, Major W.W. Brown and Captain W.B. Larson, 709th, Captain Van Every and Captain K.A. Johnson, 710th, Lt. M. Pettus and Lt. T.C. Mandrell, 711th. Lt. Moses ditched in the North Sea on return, seven men were rescued. Landing started at 1640 hours.



13 May 1944 No.64 (355) 05/13/44 OSNABRUCK Briefing was at 0730 hours and the target was the railroad yards at Osnabruck, 70 miles west southwest of Bremen. The planes were loaded with 10 500-pound GP bombs and take off started at 1000 hours. As the formation crossed the Dutch coast west of the Zuider Zee they reached their bombing altitude of 24,500 feet. The flak was moderate but accurate over the target and bombing results were rated as "Good". Lt. R.D. McClintock of the 711th Squadron began trailing smoke from the No. 3 engine before reaching the target. As they left the target the plane burst into flames and went into a left-hand turn. He was still under control when last seen with only one chute noticed to come from the ship. (John C. "Jack" Young) This was the only loss of the mission. Landing started at 1615 hours. Ship 060



27 May 1944 No.71 (373) 05/27/44 KARLSRUHE Briefing was at 0530 hours and the target was the marshalling yards at Karlsruhe, Germany. The planes were loaded with 1000-pound GP bombs and take off started at 0815 hours. The bombing altitude of 23,000 feet was reached as the formation crossed the French coast near the mouth of the Somme River heading southeast. The bombers dropped their bombs with "Excellent" results and headed home. Landing started at 1520 hours with no losses.


St. Pol-Siracourt

30 May 1944 No.74 (380) 05/30/44 ST. POL SIRACOURT Briefing was at 0500 hours and the target was near St. Pol-Siracourt in the Pas de Calais, France. The planes were loaded with six 1600-pound armor piercing bombs, a total load of 9600 pounds. Take off started at 0725 hours and a clear weather assembly was made at 3000 feet. As the formation departed the English coast, they were at their bombing altitude of 25,000 feet. The Group broke up into six plane squadrons for the bomb run. The leader of one squadron was not able to drop his bombs because the bomb bay doors would not open. He ended up returning to base, with his bombs on board, with the rest of the Group and landing started at 1135 hours.



14 June 1944 No.89 (412) 06/14/44 FLORENNES/JUZAINE A/F Briefing was at 0130 hours and the target was and airfield at Florennes, Belgium, 42 miles south of Brussels near the French border. The planes were loaded with 250- and 500-pound bombs, take off stated at 0410 hours. The weather turned foul resulting in a lower bombing altitude, but the weather cleared over the target. Bombing results were rated as "Excellent" with landing starting at 0950 hours. Ship 060



20 June 1944 No.93 (425) 06/20/44 FALLERSLABEN KONINGSBORN Briefing was at 1200 hours and two groups were formed with targets being industrial plants. The "A" group were loaded with 500-pound bombs and the "B" group was loaded with 100-pound bombs. Take off started at 0445 hours. The bombing altitude of 24,500 feet was attained as the groups reached the Dutch coast. The missions were uneventful, and landing started at 1200 hours with no losses. Ship 060



22 June 1944 No.95 (432) 06/22/44 NUCOURT Briefing was at 1230 hours and the target was a V-1 site at Nucourt, France. Weapons were 100-pound GP bombs and take of started at 1510 hours. The formation departed the south coast at 21,000 feet and the flak was accurate in the target area. Lt. Flagg was hit and made a crash landing on the beach head in France. The Group landed at 2115 hours. First flight as A/C; led low group with Kinsinger Ship 819 B-17G-30-VE 42-97819 (taxi accident salvaged 2/21/45)


Zebra 1

25 June 1944 No.99 (442) 06/25/44 AREA #1 OPERATION "ZEBRA" Briefing was at 0200 hours and the target was the plateau of Vercors, west of Grenoble. Instead of bombs, the payload for this mission were 420 canisters containing small arms, ammunition, and other supplies to support the Marquis, French Underground. Also onboard were several OSS agents (the forerunner to the CIA) that were to bail out with the canisters and instruct the partisans in the use of the equipment. Take off started at 0420 hours. The drop zone was a clearing in a wooded area and there was no opposition. Results were rated as "Good" and landing started at 1235 hours with no losses.



18 July 1944 No.111 (481) 07/18/44 CUXHAVEN Briefing was at 0200 hours. The target were oil targets in the Kiel, Germany area on the Baltic side of the Danish peninsula. The weapons were 500 lb. GP bombs and take off started at 0430 hours. As the Group reached the German coast, the bombing altitude of 24,000 feet was reached. Scouting Forces relayed that the target was cloud covered, so a decision was made to attack a coastal target at Cuxhaven on the north side of the Danish peninsula. There were no losses and landing started at 1100 hours.



19 July 1944 No.112 (338) 07/19/44 EBELSBACH Briefing was at 0330 hours. The target was Ebelsbach an industrial target east of Mannheim. The planes were loaded with 500 lb. GP bombs and take off started at 0530 hours. The bombing altitude of 24,000 feet was reached as the Group crossed the French coast. There was heavy flak at the target and bombs were dropped with "fair" results. Landing started at 1240 hours. Ship 016 B-17G-40-DL 44-6016, TNT JEANIE, TNT KATIE (photo p6) FTR Flak 3/15/45 MACR 13045 ship on 86th mission



20 July 1944 No.113 (339) 07/20/44 MERSEBURG Briefing was at 0430 hours. The target was the Leuna synthetic oil refinery at Merseburg. The aircraft were loaded with 380 tons of 500 lb. GP bombs. Take off started at 0650 hours. Lt. Farson took off in A/C #624 and had a malfunction. His crew moved to A/C #185, took off, and caught the formation completing the mission. When the group reached the Dutch coast, they were at the bombing altitude of 25,000 feet. At the target flak was very heavy. During the bomb run, Lt. G.H. Miller's ship was hit and went down. Bombing was visual and rated as "fair". Landing started at 1430 hours. Ship 016


St. Lo

24 July 1944 No.115 (343) 07/24/44 ST. LO AREA Briefing was at 0700 hours. The code name given to this mission was, COBRA. The mission was designed by the ground generals based on how aircraft were used in WWI. The First Army wanted to blast the German forces in the Peteirs/St. Lo area, then make an assault before the Germans could recover. The Group was to bomb just ahead of the ground troops. 100 lb. GP and fragmentation bombs were loaded into the aircraft. Take off started at 0930 hours and the bombing altitude of 16,000 feet was reached as the Group crossed Normandy Beach. The target are was covered by a haze so an order was given not to drop bombs. A few Groups did. A little less than one third of the dispatched 1,586 heavy bombers released their bombs. Ship 016


St. Lo

25 July 1944 No.116 (344) 07/25/44 ST. LO AREA Briefing was at 0530 hours. The same mission was scheduled as the day before. The weapons were 529-100 lb. fragmentation and 1,134-100 lb. GP bombs. Take off started at 0750 hours and the bombing altitude of 16,000 feet was reached as the Group crossed the coast and battle area. Before the heavies arrived, the fighter bombers started the bombing followed by the medium bombers. To improve visibility the heavies dropped to an altitude of 13,000 feet. Despite all the planning, some bombers dropped their bombs short of the intended target. Approximately 200 ground forces and one correspondent were killed. The heavies were just not precise enough bombing from an altitude of 13,000 feet. Landing started at 1245 hours.


Area 10 & 14

1 August 1944 1 Aug 44 Area #10&14 No. 118 (359) Ship 016


St. Denis

2 August 1944 2 Aug 44 St Denis No. 119 (363)



4 August 1944 4 Aug 44 Ostend No. 120 (368) Ship 060


Graypea 1/6

8 January 1945 Flight time 3:45 Target Mannheim Navigator Lt Richmond Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS592 Takeoff 0954 Landing 1339


Graypea 1/9

17 January 1945 Flight Time 2:50 Target Bielefeld Navigator Lt Hall Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS592 Takeoff 1116 Landing 1404


Bluestocking 1/91

22 January 1945 Flight Time 4:10 Target Stuttgart Navigator Lt Conyers Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS712 Takeoff 1437 Landing 1846


Bluestocking 1/95

23 January 1945 Flight Time 4:15 Target Stuttgart Navigator Lt Rhoades Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS712 Takeoff 1507 Landing 1922


Bluestocking 1/99

26 January 1945 Flight Time 4:00 Target Stuttgart Navigator Lt Veldon Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS708 Takeoff 1413 Landing 1813


Bluestocking 1/106

28 January 1945 Flight Time 2:10 Target North Sea Navigator Lt Veldon Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS635 Takeoff 1510 Landing 1722


Graypea 1/10

29 January 1945 Flight Time 3:35 Target Mannheim Navigator Lt Hall Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS592 Takeoff 1003 Landing 1338


Bluestocking 1/112

29 January 1945 Flight Time 4:00 Target North Atlantic Navigator Lt Veldon Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS635 Takeoff 1401 Landing 1803


Bluestocking 2/4

1 February 1945 Flight Time 4:20 Target North Atlantic Navigator Lt Veldon Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS635 Takeoff 1346 Landing 1807


Bluestocking 2/22

5 February 1945 Flight Time 5:05 Target North Atlantic Navigator Lt Veldon Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS635 Takeoff 1349 Landing 1852


Bluestocking 2/27

7 February 1945 Flight Time 4:10 Target Frankfurt Navigator Lt Veldon Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS635 Takeoff 1349 Landing 1757


Bluestocking 2/36

9 February 1945 Flight Time 3:20 Target Magdeburg & Leipzig Navigator Lt Veldon Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS635 Takeoff 0551 Landing 0913


Bluestocking 2/42

11 February 1945 Flight Time 4:30 Target North Atlantic Navigator Lt Veldon Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS636 Takeoff 0053 Landing 0522


Bluestocking 2/53

14 February 1945 Flight Time 4:35 Target Dresden Navigator Lt Veldon Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS635 Takeoff 0118 Landing 0555


Bluestocking 2/59

15 February 1945 Flight Time 3:20 Target Magdeburg Navigator Lt Veldon Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS708 Takeoff 0351 Landing 0713


Bluestocking 2/59 (Aborted)

15 February 1945 Flight Time 1:25 Navigator Lt Veldon Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS635 Takeoff 0152 Landing 0318 Aborted due to rough engine


Bluestocking 2/64

17 February 1945 Flight Time 5:25 Target North Atlantic Navigator Lt Veldon Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS635 Takeoff 0155 Landing 0722


Bluestocking 2/75

21 February 1945 Flight Time 3:50 Target Berlin Navigator Lt Veldon Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS635 Takeoff 0022 Landing 0410


Bluestocking 2/83

22 February 1945 Flight Time 3:45 Target Magdeburg Navigator Lt Veldon Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS635 Takeoff 0130 Landing 0458


Bluestocking 2/100

25 February 1945 Flight Time 4:10 Target Munchen Navigator Lt Veldon Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS635 Takeoff 0048 Landing 0459


Bluestocking 3/19

4 March 1945 Flight Time 4:25 Target Stuttgart Navigator Lt Veldon Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS635 Takeoff 0113 Landing 0539


Redtail 3/7

5 March 1945 Flight Time 3:05 Target Holland Observer Col Jones 2AD Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS708 Takeoff 0802 Landing 1105


Bluestocking 3/35

7 March 1945 Flight Time 4:00 Target Scotland Navigator Lt Veldon Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS635 Takeoff 1907 Landing 2306


Bluestocking 3/45

10 March 1945 Flight Time 4:10 Target Magdeburg Navigator Lt Veldon Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS739 Takeoff 0126 Landing 0537


Bluestocking 3/60

14 March 1945 Flight Time 2:45 Target N W Germany Navigator Lt Veldon Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS754 Takeoff 0250 Landing 0534


Redtail 3/17

15 March 1945 Flight Time 4:55 Target Berlin Observer Col Martin 2AD Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS708 Takeoff 1212 Landing 1709


Redtail 3/23

20 March 1945 Flight Time 3:50 Target Heligoland Observer Lt Col Wright 2AD Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS748 Takeoff 1423 Landing 1804


Redtail 3/25

21 March 1945 Flight Time 3:05 Target W Germany Observer General Old 3AD Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS636 Takeoff 0804 Landing 1110


Bluestocking 3/104

24 March 1945 Flight Time 3:50 Target North Atlantic Navigator Lt Veldon Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS754 Takeoff 0115 Landing 0402


Bluestocking 3/108

25 March 1945 Flight Time 3:20 Target Stuttgart Navigator Lt Veldon Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS758 Takeoff 0023 Landing 0339


Bluestocking 3/113

26 March 1945 Flight Time 5:25 Target Paris Navigator Lt Veldon Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS758 Takeoff 0136 Landing 0659


Redtail 3/35

30 March 1945 Flight Time 4:15 Target Hamburg Observer General Old 3AD Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS636 Snetterton Heath Takeoff 1130 Landing 1544


Bluestocking 4/2

1 April 1945 Flight Time 3:20 Target North Atlantic Navigator Lt Keiger Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS745 Takeoff 0224 Landing 0542


Skywave 4/4 (Aborted)

6 April 1945 Flight Time 2:40 Target Italy Navigator Lt Richard Taylor Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS773 Takeoff 0550 Landing 0835 Aborted due to LORAN equipment failure


Skywave 4/5

8 April 1945 Flight Time 4:50 Target UK to San Servera, Italy Navigator Lt Richard Taylor Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS773 Takeoff 0440 Landing 0933


Skywave 4/5A

9 April 1945 Flight Time 3:45 Target Balkans Navigator Lt Richard Taylor Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS773 Takeoff 0610 Landing 0956


Skywave 4/5B

11 April 1945 Flight Time 4:35 Target San Servera to UK Navigator Lt Richard Taylor Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS773 Takeoff 0605 Landing 1034


Bluestocking 4/67

16 April 1945 Flight Time 4:35 Target Nurnberg Navigator Lt Richard Taylor Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS773 Takeoff 0115 Landing 0552


Bluestocking 4/99

25 April 1945 Flight Time 4:35 Target Bordeaux Navigator Lt Anglum Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS773 Takeoff 1352 Landing 1825


Bluestocking 4/106

26 April 1945 Flight Time 3:00 Target North Sea Navigator Lt Anglum Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS773 Takeoff 1049 Landing 1346


Bluestocking 4/111

28 April 1945 Flight Time 3:45 Target North Sea Navigator Lt Anglum Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS773 Takeoff 1452 Landing 1833


Bluestocking 5/6

2 May 1945 Flight Time 4:00 Target North Atlantic Navigator Lt Anglum Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS773 Takeoff 1436 Landing 1833


Bluestocking 5/10

3 May 1945 Flight Time 4:10 Target France Navigator Lt Anglum Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS773 Takeoff 1327 Landing 1740


Bluestocking 5/13

4 May 1945 Flight Time 3:25 Target North Atlantic Navigator Lt Anglum Mosquito Mk XVI Serial NS773 Takeoff 1329 Landing 1652



Military records


Connections made to A/C listed in mission event details.


duplicate entries


447BG History


25BG Mission Report


25 BG Mission Report


25 BG Mission Report


25 BG Mission Report


25BG Mission Report


653 BS Mission Report


Information on Jimmy Stewart is not supported by mission reports.


LA Rogers diary and mission cards


LA Rogers War Diary


MACR 4253


MACR 4253 and interview with LA Rogers


AAM DB Entry.


Brian Rausch / Drawn from the records of the National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force, Savannah, Georgia

Louis A Rogers: Gallery (1 items)