
Aerial photograph of Knettishall airfield looking south, the bomb dump is bottom left, 13 March 1944. Photograph taken by 7th Photographic Reconnaissance Group, sortie number US/7PH/GP/LOC226. English Heritage (USAAF Photography). eh-341.jpg US_7PH_GP_LOC226_RS_4014 Aerial photograph of Knettishall airfield looking south, the bomb dump is bottom left, 13 March 1944. Photograph taken by 7th Photographic Reconnaissance Group, sortie number US/7PH/GP/LOC226. English Heritage (USAAF Photography). Historic England

IWM, English Heritage Collection

Object Number - US_7PH_GP_LOC226_RS_4014 - Aerial photograph of Knettishall airfield looking south, the bomb dump is bottom left, 13 March 1944. Photograph taken by 7th Photographic...

Knettishall was built to Class A standard for an American Bomb Group that would be bringing up to forty heavy bombers with them in three or four Squadrons. The 388th Bomb Group, which stayed at Knettishall for their entire service in the ETO, flew B-17 Flying Fortresses on missions over occupied Europe. The Group also sent the 560th Bomb Squadron to Fersfield to fly Aphrodite missions. This involved crews flying full-loaded but worn-out B-17s to the edge of the British mainland before baling out and allowing a crew in another aircraft to radio-control the B-17 into the intended target. On one occasion the crew were unable to control the B-17 and it crashed at Sudbourne Park, Suffolk, leaving a crater 100 feet across.


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Related media

  • Media Type: Video
  • Collection Name: Rob Edwards collection
  • Object Number: UPL 31791
  • Description: Video and photographs of the memorials to the 388th Bombardment Group (Heavy) who served at Knettishall, Station 136.


ContributorLucy May

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Barry Anderson, Army Air Forces Stations (Alabama, 1985) / Roger Freeman, Airfields of the Eighth Then And Now (London, 1978)

Knettishall: Gallery (167 items)