42-30263 Pregnant Portia, Portia's Revenge

Three B-17 Flying Fortresses including (serial number 42-30263) and (serial number 42-3422) of the 385th Bomb Group fly in formation during a mission. Passed for publication 28 Sep 1943. Printed caption on reverse: 'Youth Of The Flying Fortresses. USP/224I-102-104-102. In the capable hands of the young blood of America, Flying Fortresses roar through the sky on route to bomb and fight the Germans on the ground and in the sky.' Censor no: 285771. On reverse: Keystone Press, US Army Press Censor ETO and US media-413618.jpg FRE 4934 Three B-17 Flying Fortresses including (serial number 42-30263) and (serial number 42-3422) of the 385th Bomb Group fly in formation during a mission. Passed for publication 28 Sep 1943. Printed caption on reverse: 'Youth Of The Flying Fortresses. USP/224I-102-104-102. In the capable hands of the young blood of America, Flying Fortresses roar through the sky on route to bomb and fight the Germans on the ground and in the sky.' Censor no: 285771. On reverse: Keystone Press, US Army Press Censor ETO and US Army General Section Press & Censorship Bureau [Stamps]. Press caption for image series: YOUTH OF THE FLYING FORTRESSES. Little Americas are springing up all over Britain, each notable for the eager enthusiasm of young men typifying the youth of America imbued with the spirit to bomb and fight the Germans until the Nazi Menace is overcome and peace once again restored. Here in these ‘Little Americas’ a great bomber force has been built up and the enemy has felt the weight of this great air might in the daring daylight raids which are carried out almost daily. Rarely a day goes by without a might armada of Flying Fortresses streaming out with a great roar from their bases in Britain to wreck the enemy’s war machine. It is the youth of America that is so capably commanding these formidable new weapons of aerial warfare. Most of the crews were mere schoolboys at the outbreak of war. The spirit of these lads is refreshing- it is one of courage and determination to win out whatever the odds. Our cameraman- American War Correspondent, Samuel Goldstein, paid a visit to the Flying Fortress “Kindergarten” station, which is a complete unit of youth. The principal flying officers of the station are two “old men” of 39- the oldest members. While the “baby”-already a captain is 20. The commanding officer, Col Vandevanter, who has flown Fortresses through the battles over the Philippines, Java and Australia and has led his unit on numerous missions over Germany and occupied Europe, is just 26. His deputy Major Preston Piper of Santa Anna, Calif is 27. Major Piper led this group in the highly successful raid over Regensburg, Germany and heroically rescued most of his crew in the Fortress “Lulu Belle” when he was forced to ditch in the Atlantic, after being damaged over Bordeaux on a return mission from Africa. USP/2241 Keystone Press Agency. 25 Sep 1943.’ Roger Freeman Collection

IWM, Roger Freeman Collection

Object Number - FRE 4934 - Three B-17 Flying Fortresses including (serial number 42-30263) and (serial number 42-3422) of the 385th Bomb Group fly in formation during a...

Delivered Cheyenne 6/5/43; Denver 8/5/43; Gore 12/5/43; Kearney 30/5/43; Dow Fd 18/6/43; Assigned 551BS/385BG [HR-N] Gt Ashfield 19/6/43 PREGNANT PORTIA; (one record gives this aircraft as being damaged by flak after Regensburg mission which was assigned to fly on to North Africa, but ditched in Mediterranean Sea, all crew OK when picked up by Air Sea Rescue launch): mission was recalled 30/10/43 with Joe Fluty, Co-pilot: Paul Lindsay, Navigator: Nathan Ungar, Bombardier: Chas Stevens, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Sam Litt, Radio Operator: Edwin Randig, Ball turret gunner: Troy Roberts, Waist gunner: Henry Lohff, Waist gunner: George Lilburn,Tail gunner: W.J. Moore (10 Returned to Duty); overshot RAF Docking, Nfk, on wet grass and was demolished Salvaged 2/11/43. PORTIA'S REVENGE.


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  • Military/Civilian/Mascot: Military
  • Nationality: American
  • Unit: 385th Bomb Group 549th Bomb Squadron
  • Service Numbers: O-738906
  • Highest Rank: Lieutenant
  • Role/Job: Navigator




385th BG website


Personal account of crew member


Dave Osborne, B-17 Fortress Master Log

42-30263: Gallery (2 items)