43-37817 Mollita
452nd Bomb Group Assoc.
Delivered Cheyenne 26/5/44; Kearney 4/6/44; Grenier 17/6/44; Assigned 730BS/452BG Deopham Green, Nfk 20/6/44; damaged over Munich 12/7/44; with Bill Graff, Co-pilot: Francis Hill, Navigator: Max Schulz, Navigator: Bill Graft, Bombardier: George Slaughop, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Sgt Claude Hillenbrand, Radio Operator: Ernie Greenwald, Ball turret gunner: Joe Elliott, Waist gunner: Bob Pryde, Waist gunner: George Kolson,Tail gunner: Bill Davis (10 Returned to Duty); #2 was KO’d, runway not clear then aircraft lost another engine before crash landed on base; Salvaged 14/7/44. MOLLITA. Mollita: This plane was named after the daughter of Col. Casey Odom of the 452nd Bomb Group. His daughter is named Mollie and in Spanish it is "Mollita". Col. Odom always called his daughter his "Little Mollita". Plane #43-37817.
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Units served with
- Unit Hierarchy: Group
- Air Force: Eighth Air Force
- Type Category: Bombardment
- Unit Hierarchy: Squadron
- Air Force: Eighth Air Force
- Type Category: Bombardment
- Military/Civilian/Mascot: Military
- Nationality: American
- Unit: 452nd Bomb Group 730th Bomb Squadron
- Service Numbers: 15382897
- Highest Rank: Technical Sergeant
- Role/Job: Flight Engineer; Gunner
- Site type: Airfield
Naming information courtesy of Jerry Penry. Please see: http://www.angelfire.com/ne2/b17sunriseserenade/452ndnames.html