

First name





Professional genealogist, lecturer, author, for over 30 years. Working on the 466th BG stationed at Air Base #120, Attlebridge, England. My late father-in-law, Mike, as well as several dear friends served in the 466th BG and I am working to name all the men in the unit so they may be honored and always remembered!

Member for

6 years 4 months

Content activity

Date Content Type Title Changes Edit
Person Frank Penkalski
Person Cortland Leslie Brovitz
Person Edward Matthew Leinwetter
Person Louis Robert Gilles Joncas
Person Benjamin Alan Brown

Media activity

Date Media type Title Update Edit
Upload image media-34324.jpeg Created entry with collection and caption
Upload image media-34355.jpeg Created entry with collection and caption
Upload image media-37245.jpeg Created entry with collection, caption and unit associations
Upload image media-42028.jpeg Created entry with caption, unit associations and person associations