UPL 45389


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Gilbert Luster Langdon Jr. 1989. Gilbert Langdon was the Belly Gunner for 30 missions under Captain Nordic in Black Cat 13. I believe, with respect, the crew listed for Black Cat 13 were flying her to the states when she had the mid air collision. Gilbert did a documentary interview. I will find and edit this with the web adress.


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Three airmen of the 100th Bomb Group, Lieutenant Kenneth Menzie, Lieutenant Donald Strout and Lieutenant Norman Scott, plan the route they will take during the next mission in their B-17 Flying Fortress (serial number 42-30380). Image stamped on reverse: 'Reviewed and passed U.S. Army 23 Aug 1943 Press Censor E.T.O. U.S.A.' [stamp]'. Passed for publication 23 August 1943 INTLD 16 General Section Press Censorship Bureau '[stamp], 'Associated Press' [stamp] and '280035.' [Censor no.] Printed caption on reve
  • Unit Hierarchy: Group
  • Air Force: Eighth Air Force
  • Type Category: Bombardment


  • Military/Civilian/Mascot: Military
  • Nationality: American
  • Unit: 100th Bomb Group 350th Bomb Squadron
  • Highest Rank: Staff Sergeant
  • Role/Job: Ball Turret Gunner


ChangesChanges to place associations and aircraft associations

Removed associations which are not depicted in the image. Associations made in the PERSON record.

ChangesChanges to person associations

I am the son of Gilbert Langdon.

ChangesCreated entry with collection, caption, unit associations, person associations, place associations and aircraft associations

Gilbert Langdon was the Belly Gunner for 30 missions under Captain Nordic. Lucky Bastards Award.